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The Year Korean Pop Burst JapanReactionsWhat Did You Think Of Gaming In 2010?Do Cheap Tactics Ruin Online Multiplayer?Entertainment And Fun Aren't The Same ThingDealing With Sex And Violence In Video GamesHigh Praise For The Fiction Of Assassin's CreedA Week In CommentsNumbersiTunes Chart Toppers: Doodle Jump is Back... BE WARNEDScreengrabsKotaku 'Shop Contest: Make a Move WinnersFollow your favorite replica Patek Philippe 4868R Ladie's watch Kotaku writers on Facebook and on Twitter.Follow Kotaku on Twitter”What would the new year be without a massive graphical detailing of the highs and lows of the year previous?
Let's take a look back at 2010, giant infographic style.This graphic is a labor of love created by myself to mark the passage of one hell of a year in gaming. How much a labor of love, you ask? So much so that my parents are sitting down to their annual New Year's Day dinner as I type this, no doubt wondering where the hell I am.This is by no means a comprehensive listing of all of the games that came out in 2010, nor is it an exhaustive display of replica Patek Philippe 4992G Ladie's watch every major gaming event that occurred between 365 days ago and today. I put together a list of 150 of the year's game releases, hopefully hitting all the major points in the process, but some may have been missed.