
Review of the Suunto n6HR MSN Direct Watch

Features of the Suunto n6HRMSN Direct. One of the two most notable features of the Suunton6HR is its support for MSN Direct. I'm not going to get into details aboutthe MSN Direct service in this review since I've covered it in depth in previousarticles (for my most thorough description of the service, see myreview of the Swatch Paparazzi),but I will say that in general, Suunto's makes an excellent line of MSN Directwatches, and the n6HR is no exception.Heart rate monitor. The other most notablefeature is that the Suunto n6HR is the first and only watch to combineMSN Direct services with a heart rate monitor. The monitor fastens around yourchest, transmitting heart rate data wirelessly to the watch where it is displayedin real-time and recorded for later download to your PC. The Suunto n6HR comeswith desktop software called Training Manager which allows you to download yourtraining logs via USB, view and organize your workout information, and createtraining schedules and calendars. Integrating your Suunto n6HR with your PC evenlets you share your training plans with others via the SuuntoSports.com website.(Note that the Training Managers requires any version of Windows XP, or Windows2000 Server or Professional. For Outlook integration, you'll need Outlook2000, 2002, or XP. Mac users, you're SOL.)Multiple Watch Faces. As with all MSN Direct watches, you canchoose from one of several different watch faces. In the case of the Suunton6HR, one of six, with the ability to add two more for a total of eight.Many of the n6HR's watch faces have "sub modes" which allow youto monitor your heart rate directly from the time channel. Nice touch.Chronograph. The Suunton6HR has a chronograph that not only stores up to 50 lap times, butalso makes them all very easy to scroll through and access.Multiple timers.Viewthe Suunto n6HR photo gallery.If you're interested in this watch, I can make the decision really easy for you.As always, I'll go into all kinds of detail below, but for the majority of you,this first paragraph will be all you need. Here it goes: If you're an athlete whowants to optimize his or her workouts by monitoring your heart rate, and you'rea geek who wants to be constantly connected via MSN Direct, thenbuy this watch. Don't hesitate. There are no other watchesout there with this combination of functionality, so don't even bother looking.However if this does not describe you, then don't buy this watch. If you're anathlete without the geek part, check out the Suuntot6 or the NikeTriax. If you're a geek withoutthe athlete part, then check out the Suunton3i, SwatchPaparazzi, or the TissotHigh-T. That's really all you need know. But if you came here determined tofind more information on the Suunto n6HR, then read on.